Hey there! It's been a while. Not that I've been lazy! At
least, no more than usual. No, it's because I was in the Himalayas without a
PC. Yeah, I know I said I'd put up a "gone fishin'" interlude post
but...that never happened. (*Cough.*)
If you're wondering about my Everest Base Camp blog/podcast
"spectacular" (and I don't use those quotation marks lightly),
that'll be up shortly; the audio (all 7+[!] hours of it) is all uploaded
online; I just need to get the post organized. And once it's up, this entire
paragraph will be rendered obsolete!
Speaking about obsolescence, how about me? Hey, remember
that I was in Singapore? Of course not, because that just happened. I was
planning on writing from Singapore (being, like Hong Kong, one of those places that
just needs a single name, no "City, Country" format required), but as
I'll explain in a bit more detail later, I have three options of things to do
on this trip - planning to do things, doing things, and reviewing things I've
done (either by writing or sorting through photos). My time in Singapore was
mainly spent on the first two. But why take my word for it? Let's get into the
haps for what happened since I left Kathmandu!